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In the episode, Heather McGowan, future-of-work strategist, keynote speaker, thought leader, researcher, and author, leads us through a paradigm shift away from the traditional linear model of learning and career paths toward a lifestyle characterized by perpetual growth and adaptability. With careers being disrupted every three to five years, the reality of today's world is that continuous learning is essential for staying ahead.

Gone will be the days of rigid curricula and standardized testing. Individuals in the future will have the freedom to shape their educational journey according to their unique interests, passions, and goals. As the nature of learning evolves, so will the spaces in which it takes place. Join us as we embark on a journey of continuous growth and discovery, redefining the way we live, work, and learn in an ever-changing world.

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Episode 25 - Live, Work, Learn: The Lifestyle of a Forever Student

Join us as we explore the landscape of lifelong learning and the evolution of educational spaces.

From Classrooms to Lifelong Journeys

The linear model of education and career progression is being challenged. When careers are disrupted every three to five years, the reality is that we need to be learning to stay ahead. In Episode 25, Live, Work, Learn: The Lifestyle of a Forever Student, we explore a lifestyle characterized by perpetual growth and adaptability.

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