Craft beer and workplaces might seem an unusual pair, but there's a lot more brewing under the surface.

In the Crafting Culture and Belonging Part 1 episode of the podcast, we delved into the world of craft beer and its profound influence on community building and work culture. We explore how the brewing process is not just about crafting delicious beer but also creating a sense of belonging and connection.


In the case of Ferndale Project, they have emphasized the importance of co-creation and community engagement. The design of their space was not decided solely by the owners or designers. Instead, they actively engaged the community, inviting them to contribute their ideas. This approach resulted in a space that truly reflected what the community wanted, amplifying their sense of belonging. The impact of culture in the workplace cannot be understated. It's what motivates us and gives us a sense of belonging. As we dive deeper into the research and collaboration with Aragami and the story of Ferndale Project in our next episode, we will explore how workplaces of the future can be designed to be more community-oriented and locally authentic.


Whether you're a craft beer enthusiast or an employer trying to create a positive work culture, there's a lot to learn from the world of craft beer. The brewing process provides a unique lens to view the intricacies of community building and workplace culture. Just like the best beers are crafted with care and passion, the best workplaces are those that foster a sense of belonging, celebrate diversity, and actively engage with their communities.